people think that they will be cured by different pills,syrups,injections or laser is easy to get this impression.but the fact is.that these methods go against our natural being.chemicals destroy our bodies like poisons,because they are not of the same substance.this also applies to all kinds of radiation-treatment wish hits the body like fire and burns. in our days such a complexity afflicts our bodies.people get ill,feel ill.go to physicians,to laboratories,make x-rays,feel ill, again......and after having made a full check-up the doctor tells them -there is nothing wrong. -but i am ill. -every thing is all right. -but i feel ill. the last thing will be that the doctors say,we must cut your use a knife is always harmful,but nowadays doctors mostly hurry up and cut. there is a treatment for every illness without using a knife,a natural may takes more time, but it has no side effects.
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people think that they will be cured by different pills,syrups,injections or laser is easy to get this impression.but the fact is.that these methods go against our natural being.chemicals destroy our bodies like poisons,because they are not of the same substance.this also applies to all kinds of radiation-treatment wish hits the body like fire and burns. in our days such a complexity afflicts our bodies.people get ill,feel ill.go to physicians,to laboratories,make x-rays,feel ill, again......and after having made a full check-up the doctor tells them -there is nothing wrong. -but i am ill. -every thing is all right. -but i feel ill. the last thing will be that the doctors say,we must cut your use a knife is always harmful,but nowadays doctors mostly hurry up and cut. there is a treatment for every illness without using a knife,a natural may takes more time, but it has no side effects.
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